Lumbo-Sacrum pain from muscle tightening
Lumbar Spine and Sacrum Lower back pain can come from different sources, muscles, joints, ligaments or discs and sometimes the source can be all of the above at the same time. We need to identify the source and the level of the cause (L1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) and sometimes it could be at the sacrum level, where the sacrum and the pelvis form a joint, the sacroiliac (SI) joint . In this blog, we are going to talk about the pain at the sacrum level specifically. Sacroiliac (SI) Joint - marked red at the right side Pain at the SI joint can be caused by tight muscles along the spine, like the superficial erector spinae or the deep multifidus that can run from the neck down the sacrum. When the myofascial system becomes so tight from working out or prolonged posture, it can pull so hard on the sacrum and cause a shift of the sacrum position, which cause compression on the nerve root travelling through the SI joint and cause a lot of pain. Lumbosacral Nerves/...