Changes in the Fall during this pandemic


COVID - 19

Are we going to have a second wave of the coronavirus  pandemic this fall and winter?  Are kids going to get infected from the schools?  How many parents are returning to work, which increased the risk of spreading, this fall?  So many questions without answers right now.  It is definitely creating some anxieties in our lives.  From our work at this small physiotherapy facility, we can start to sense that people are returning to work more as we are getting increased requests for evening hours.  We had a bliss during the past few months when we did not have to work in the evenings.  Now in the fall we will probably need to go back to a few days of evening hours again to provide for people who resume their  commute to work.  Or not - are we going to get locked down again?

We have decided to keep our daughter, who is starting grade one, at home this September to see how things unfold and also to keep our family health risk at minimum.  My mom is 70 years old and lives with us.  My husband has a heart condition.  On top of that, I would not want to be quarantined and to be unable to work.  All that makes this staying-at-home decision for our daughter come really easily.  She is still young and is happy to stay at home.  Unlike teenagers with higher need for social live, my daughter is quite contend to spend more time with mommy and daddy.  Having her 2-year-old brother around also keeps lives fairly interesting at home.  

This summer, we have been going to parks frequently and been meeting up with our daughter's friends from school.  We have felt that the risk level is low for outdoor playing and frequent hand-hygiene practice with sanitizers and washing hands as soon as we get home.  Now with the school returning and the majority of the kids being at school, we are not so sure about meeting at the parks anymore.  Kids don't keep their faces away from each other when they start playing, especially the younger children.  Should  we let the kids meet and wear the masks at the park?  Another question will be left unanswered till life unfolds itself.  We will need to wait and see.

Wait and see.  That is what we all are learning to do this year.  Patience is a virtue as they say.

The Quest for a Pandemic Pill | The New Yorker


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